Elonka Dunin (born December 29, 1958) is an American cryptographer, and video game developer. In 2003, she led the team that cracked the Cyrillic Projector cipher, and her book The Mammoth Book of Secret Codes and Cryptograms was published in 2006. She is generally considered to be the "leading Kryptos expert in the world, and maintains a website with a list of well-known unsolved ciphers.
Elonka Dunin is an executive and game developer at Simutronics Corp. in St. Louis, Missouri, and was a producer on the team that created CyberStrike, the multiplayer game which won the first award for Online Game of the Year from
Computer Gaming World magazine in 1993. She is a co-founder and chairperson of the International Game Developers Association's Online Games group, and senior editor on peer-reviewed IGDA State of the Industry white papers.
--Compiled from Wikipedia